Testing of Footers for GDPR

Testing of Footers for GDPR All done by Rob Hagan so that his contact record was updated by the various actions. This is not only testing, but worked examples of the operation of the GDPR extension in our environment. Old…

Assigning Tags to Victorian Members of Parliament

Task The task is to put three tags on each Member of Parliament (MP) – one for the House, one for the Electorate and one for the Party (in addition to the existing tag of Victorian Parliament). Requirements CiviCRM. The…

Setting up ‘cron’ to run the Scheduled Jobs in CiviCRM

Navigate to cPanel. Select Cron Jobs. Set up a new job with: Minute: */15 Hour -> Weekday: * $HOME/cron_job.sh >> $HOME/cron.log 2>&1 (wait some time) Select Administration > Scheduled Jobs. Check the Job Log for the correct activity.

Postcodes, States and Countries that have been corrected

The correction activity log was: Individuals 6941 exported 563 for import 7 records in Individual Short as a trial Total Rows 7 Total number of rows in the imported data. Total Contacts 7 Total number of contact records created or…

Assessment on Campaign Monitor Vs CiviMail

Assessment on Campaign Monitor Vs CiviMail Items to discuss with Lizbeth: Calibri font – status of work by Gemma or is it now in production? Demo Mosaico Test Newsletter 02 to show Lizbeth in test environment: Index – are the anchors…

Evaluate, integrate and/or discard EventBrite

This mini-project is now complete. Purpose To evaluate, integrate and/or discard EventBrite in order to bring as much of COTA Vic’s data into CiviCRM and therefore back under COTA Vic’s control. Background COTA Vic currently uses CiviEvent for free events…

Evaluate, integrate and/or discard Survey Monkey

Important Note CiviCRM uses the term Petition for an online survey and the term Survey for a “walk around with a clipboard” survey. Purpose To evaluate, integrate and/or discard Survey Monkey in order to bring as much of COTA Vic’s…

Evaluate, integrate or discard Campaign Monitor

Purpose To evaluate, integrate and/or discard Campaign Monitor in order to bring as much of COTA Vic’s data into CiviCRM and therefore back under COTA Vic’s control. Notes (rough plan as it were) Fonts Currently only websafe are available in…

Implement access controls

Hi Alex, I’ve given thought to a suitable task – important and also relatively self contained. It’s all to do with restricting access to stuff and you’ve done some research on this previously, but I reckon that it is problematic.…

Migrate LLLS system from MS-Access to CiviMembership

Largely done – all partners, partner contacts and price sets are loaded, manual entry of memberships is now required to be completed by Mitsuko using the original MS-Access database as the reference. Documentation for this loading is complete in the User…

Review and extend the tailored reporting

Purpose To review all reports and identify where improvements are needed, and then implement those improvements which may entail building a “home grown” report. This is all aimed at improving the user experience. Approach Kavya is identifying where a contact…

Implement and publish tailored Civisualisations

Purpose Research how to create “home grown” Civisualisations, and create a trial. Then interview staff (starting with Karen Ivanka, Amanda Kunkler and Nicky Barry in that order), with Rob, to identify some key items that they may wish to have…

What gets changed during a CiviCRM version update

> Also, what gets overwritten when you do an update. Only files on wp-content/plugins/civicrm – all those files are replaced. Said Justin in support ticket SUP-8160. Affected Files Image files under /home/cotacivo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/i COTA logo for invoicing LLLS logo for invoicing Not…

Assessment on Open Source Recruitment Portal

Assessment on Open Source Recruitment Portal Carried out by Kavya 20-Feb-2019 as requested by Rob even though it was not prioritised as such by Ronda because there was no immediately available next task for Kavya at the time. No Tool…

LLLS/SFL Invoice Template

The following was developed to the point where is was almost ready for production release and then it was realised that its name “Contribution Receipt Invoice” meant that it was serving all three purposes. Our specialisation of it was therefore…